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The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith Paragraph 31.1

The bodies of men after death return to dust, and see corruption;1 but their souls, which neither die nor sleep, having an immortal subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them.2 The souls of the righteous being then made perfect in holiness, are received into paradise, where they are with Christ, and behold the face of God in light and glory, waiting for the full redemption of their bodies;3 besides these two places, for souls separated from their bodies, the Scripture acknowledgeth none.4
expand_more [1] Genesis 3:19; Acts 13:36
expand_more [2] Ecclesiastes 12:7
expand_more [3] Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:1, 6, 8; Philippians 1:23; Hebrews 12:23
expand_more [4] Jude 6–7; 1 Peter 3:19; Luke 16:23–24

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What happens to the soul upon death?
It sleeps
It dies
The soul of the wicked sleeps while the soul of the righteous goes to paradise
The soul of the wicked goes to hell while the soul of the righteous goes to paradise

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