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The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith Paragraph 26.6

The members of these churches are saints by calling, visibly manifesting and evidencing (in and by their profession and walking) their obedience unto that call of Christ;1 and do willingly consent to walk together, according to the appointment of Christ; giving up themselves to the Lord, and one to another, by the will of God, in professed subjection to the ordinances of the Gospel.2
expand_more [1] Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:2
expand_more [2] Acts 2:41–42; 5:13–14; 2 Corinthians 9:13

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How does one manifest sainthood?
By profession of faith and walking in obedience
By profession of faith and performing miracles
By canonization of the church
By speaking in tongues

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