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The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith Paragraph 22.7

As it is the law of nature, that in general a proportion of time, by God's appointment, be set apart for the worship of God, so by his Word, in a positive moral, and perpetual commandment, binding all men, in all ages, he has particularly appointed one day in seven for a sabbath to be kept holy unto him,1 which from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ was the last day of the week, and from the resurrection of Christ was changed into the first day of the week, which is called the Lord's Day:2 and is to be continued to the end of the world as the Christian Sabbath, the observation of the last day of the week being abolished.
expand_more [1] Exodus 20:8
expand_more [2] 1 Corinthians 16:1–2; Acts 20:7; Revelation 1:10

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What day is known as the Lord’s day?
The first day of the week
The seventh day of the week
The 25th of December
Every day is the Lord’s Day

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