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The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith Paragraph 21.3

They who upon pretence of Christian liberty do practice any sin, or cherish any sinful lust, as they do thereby pervert the main design of the grace of the gospel to their own destruction,1 so they wholly destroy the end of Christian liberty, which is, that being delivered out of the hands of all our enemies, we might serve the Lord without fear, in holiness and righeousness before Him, all the days of our lives.2
expand_more [1] Romans 6:1–2
expand_more [2] Galatians 5:13; 2 Peter 2:18, 21

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Does the principle of Christian liberty permit us to sin?
No, this would pervert the main design of the grace of the gospel
No, but liberty of conscience does
Yes, because God has freed us from fear of his wrath
Yes, in order that we might be all things to all people

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