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The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith Paragraph 19.1

God gave to Adam a law of universal obedience written in his heart, and a particular precept of not eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil;1 by which he bound him and all his posterity to personal, entire, exact, and perpetual obedience;2 promised life upon the fulfilling, and threatened death upon the breach of it, and endued him with power and ability to keep it.3
expand_more [1] Genesis 1:27; Ecclesiastes 7:29
expand_more [2] Romans 10:5
expand_more [3] Galatians 3:10, 12

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What law was Adam given?
A particular precept not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
A law of universal obedience written on his heart
Both a and b
Before the fall, there was no law.

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